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Millionaire Mindset: Everything Is "Figureoutable".

Even though "figureoutable" isn't a real word, it is used as slang in some conversations that imply that something can be learned, or that a certain problem can be solved.

Rather than debating where it belongs in the English language, we should adopt it as a mindset. This will lead to success in our personal lives.

How many times have you tried to put together a piece of furniture like a bookshelf or patio set only to feel like it's a giant puzzle?

Most of us can figure it out eventually by using a set of instructions (sometimes poorly written or illustrated though), or by asking for help from others, or by watching a YouTube video online.

But eventually, we figure it out. In other words, it is "figureoutable".

So why don't we take that same attitude to figuring out things that don't come with the instructions in the box? It's because many people do not want to take the time to learn by themselves, they just want to follow instructions from others.

If we take the approach that we will have to learn how to do a task, instead of just following instructions, then (almost) everything is "figureoutable".

Below, I will outline some thought approaches to take so that we can accomplish each of our goals. This mindset will help us to achieve our financial goals as well as other goals (physical, career goals, relationship goals, health goals, to name a few).

Thought #1: Everybody Is In The Same Boat

Whether you are studying for an exam that feels impossible to pass, trying to figure out how to use a piece of software, figuring out how to change careers, or wanting to simply earn more money, there are others who are trying to do the same.

Since others are in the same position, there's no way that all of us are going to fail. In other words, we are all in the same boat, so some of us have to succeed.

This is true for writing exams (the whole class won't fail), figuring out how to use a software program (if it didn't work, nobody would be using it), changing careers (if nobody changed careers, wverybody would remain at their starting job), and earning more money (if it wasn't possible, everybody would be poor).

So, if the world is moving forward, people are passing exams, learning software, changing careers and earning more money, then it must be "figureoutable".

Thought #2: If It Was Impossible, There Wouldn't Be Any Proof Of It Being Done

If it was impossible to earn more money than I do, there wouldn't be all these millionaires or multi-millionaires who have done it already, right?

But there is, so therefore it is possible and actually likely that you could achieve the same level of prosperity that they have achieved.

We always want to think that successful people are in that position by luck or by inheritance. The truth is that this assumption is false. Less than 1% of the people are successful due to lucky circumstances.

Yes, they may have had some opportunities to achieve success through where they grew up, how they were raised, and where they went to school, but the vast majority of successful people didn't have these options. They just worked hard and figured out each step themselves.

Besides, if you think that that is the reason why they achieved their goals, it will still not help you to achieve yours. So let's send that thought packing!

So, the mindset has to be, hey, if others have done it or are currently doing it, it must be something that I can figure out too!

Too often, we approach things as if nobody has tried them before, which is almost never the case. You have to look at at like "constructing a building", and say to yourself, this is proof that a building like this can be constructed. So this is proof that I can do it too, I just have to learn how.

Now, substitute the words "constructing a building" for "whatever you are trying to do".

This could be writing a book, starting a company from scratch, learning a new instrument, training for a new career, getting in shape, well, you get the idea.

Everything is possible, especially if there is proof that it has been done by others.

Thought #3: How Do I GET Started?

There is so much information out there today, a simple google search will get you started. No matter what you want to figure out, there are books, youtube videos, training institutions (University, College, online courses), and a host of other knowledge bases.

The most important part is to take that first step. BEGIN and then take it one step at a time. Do not try to learn something in a day that takes others an average of a year. But keep taking those baby steps and you will advance towards your goal.

Map out your plan until the end, showing all the necessary steps. It has to be complete, so you are aware of what's coming in each successive step.

Thought #4: The End Result

If you keep following the steps, you will eventually reach your destination, your goal. Then you will have realized that it was "figureoutable" from the beginning.

A great bonus effect of completing your goal, is that there are always unexpected benefits waiting for you. If your goal was financial, you will find that you are also healthier and happier after your goal has been achieved.

If your goal was a fitness goal, you will find that you feel more alive once it is achieved. This will allow you to be better at your career, and receive advancement that you may not have expected.

Goal achievement tends to feed more goal achievement. Eventually, you will figure out each step and be able to accomplish things that you may not have known were possible before.

It all starts with the mindset that everything is "figureoutable".

Now take that first step towards that first goal!


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