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Your Career: 5 Tips To Be "Successful"

Success: This can be defined in different ways for different people. But there is no dispute that everybody wants to have success. We'll explore the ways to achieve this, regardless of how you define successful.

There are keys to becoming successful in a career and it is dependent on what you do to gain success It is not what your profession does, what the company you work for does, or what your coworkers do for you.

Ultimately, we are free to choose another career, another company, start our own company, change professions, or associate with different coworkers.

So, let's put the responsibility on ourselves for success, as that is the one thing that we have control over.

The following are some things we should take control over.

Tip #1 - Research the company before you apply

We live in a market currently that favors the applicant, as there are so many open jobs to choose. This allows us to research the company, not only for what they do, but also for other comments by workers who actually work there (or have worked there).

I was recently considering a new job in engineering and when I looked up companies which had job postings (on, in this case), the first thing I did was set myself up for notifications of new job openings from several companies. This allowed me to see the reviews that its employees were writing when postings were sent to my inbox.

Also, if you see a bad review, don't write off that company yet. Many large companies have a different culture in different areas of the company and in different locations. Make sure you read the reviews from people in a similar position that you are considering applying to, and look at 5-10 reviews for that same type of position before making a judgement.

This tip will already tilt the scales in your favor of being successful if you get the position.

Tip #2 - Think of Ways That You Can Contribute to Your Company

If you can contribute something unique to the position you're in, you will feel successful because you know the company is getting value for hiring you.

Success is not always measured monetarily, and if you contribute something unique, the money will come in the future. You are also creating job security for yourself in the future, which makes you a pivotal piece in the company structure. That will bring you success in the short and long term.

"Contributing something valuable to the company you work for will bring you personal satisfaction. Success will follow this satisfaction, especially if your contribution benefits others - CEO Study

Tip #3 - Learn something New Every Day

If you want success, then try to learn a new fact, process, or task each day. This could be as small as learning a new feature in the software program you are using, reading about a company fact, asking a coworker how something works, or reading something even remotely connected to your position (yes, on the internet at work).

For example, when I worked as a process engineer, I would often get bored of the software I was using to configure a project. However, I decided to learn a new command every time I was bored, and this amounted to me becoming an expert within a few months.

People would then ask me questions about the program, and I got satisfaction from that, which in turn led to success in my position as I felt valued.

Tip #4 - Resist the Urge to Complain to Coworkers/Stay Away from Company Gossip

There is always a temptation to complain to coworkers about the job, especially if you feel they may agree with you. But you must resist this temptation, try to be positive all the time. If there is something you are questioning, then ask it as a question, not state it as a complaint. (for example, instead of saying, "why does our boss always give us loads of work close to the end of the day?, instead you might say, "The boss must feel really sympathetic when she has to give us a project towards the end of the day". You see the difference?

As well, stay away from company gossip. Do not state your political opinions, judge any other coworker, or talk about the bosses or the company in a negative way.

Negative comments always come back to haunt you later. It's best to focus on your own personal improvement and let the bosses worry about other employees who may not be doing their work. You will be successful in your work, and that's what counts!

Tip #5 - Make Sure Your Tasks Are Done Above Average

The final tip is to do your tasks above average when you can. Whether you are working in a warehouse or in an office at a major corporation, your work will reflect on you and will form the opinion others have of you.

So, if you are asked to get something done in 2 days and you can get it done in 1 day, do it in a day. If your boss needs an accurate summary of something, go a little more in-depth to show them that you care about the task.

Remember, 100 little extras will add up to huge success in the future.

Success In Your Career Adds Up To This Principle

Satisfaction in each task you do leads to success in your job. That in turn, will lead to a better reflection of you in the eyes of others. Focus on self-improvement and learning every day, and this will culminate in a successful career.


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