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Millionaire NO-DIET "DIET": A Simple Way To Keep Your Body Healthy.

There is no "special diet" that will keep you as healthy as following simple, whole food eating habits.

Here are some rules to living a clean, healthy and focused lifestyle.

In recent years, there has been more and more evidence that there is not one type of food to eat to be healthy (i.e. a single superfood) but a variety of foods and eating habits. Certainly, there are foods to avoid, or restrict, but you also must give your body the fuel it needs in terms of vitamins and minerals.

I've listed below a list of habits to follow, foods to eat, and foods to avoid for a healthy lifestyle. If you want to gain success and build wealth and attain goals, you must have a strong and healthy body and mind.

There are several lists below, each with their own guidelines to follow. Of course, there's room to have some "foods to avoid" every once in a while (some call them cheat foods). Everyone is at a party or a restaurant at some point several times a year (oh, holidays too!).

So keep these as guidelines and save those cheat days for when you do not set the menu.

List #1 - Basic Foods to Shop for and bring Home

The following applies to grocery store shopping:

  • Do 99% of your shopping around the perimeter of the grocery store.

This is where are the "natural" or "real" food is located. Think of the perimeter as fruits and vegetables, meat (not processed), chicken, fish, dairy, and bread.

  • Stay away from the middle isles where all the man-made processed foods are located.

These include chips, cookies, flavored products, soft drinks, candy, etc.

  • Buy at least 5 different colors of veggies.

Ideas for different colors include tomatoes (red), carrots (orange), potatoes (Red or Yellow), peppers (red or yellow), mushrooms (white or brown), cucumbers (green).

Of course, there are many more vegetables, the more the better.

  • Buy at least 5 different colors of fruits (include some berries).

Ideas for different colors include apples (red, green, yellow), Oranges/clementines/tangerines (orange), kiwi (Green or Gold), Strawberries (red), raspberries Red), blueberries (blue), blackberries (black), bananas (yellow), cantaloupe (yellow), Peaches (gold), nectarines (yellow), plums (maroon), grapes (green or red).

Of course, there are many more fruits, buy "what's in season" is a good rule of thumb.

  • Drinks should include water, 100% juice, milk, coffee, and different types of tea (green, black, oolong).

Stay away from the soft drinks (also called soda and pop) or any drinks with added sugar or ingredients that you cannot pronounce.

  • Breads that contain WHOLE GRAINS.

Stay away from white, processed breads or breads that use flour (bleached or unbleached), unless it is whole wheat flour. Other healthy flours are Almond flour, Quinoa flour, Buckwheat flour, or Oat flour.

  • Meat, chicken, and fish should be split with a de-emphasis on red meat. (Of course, vegetarians can substitute these for other protein sources).

The rest of your grocery cart should be filled with items that are as "least processed as possible". Things like peanut butter, for example, usually have some natural, healthy versions.

List #2 - General Eating Habits

These habits have been shown to have healthy benefits. They are not strict rules (like a diet would be), but rather suggestions to emphasize certain foods and limit other foods.

  • Beans, seeds, nuts and grains should be eaten every day.

  • Meal plates should be 75% colorful vegetables, with rice or grains. The other 25% should be left for your meat, chicken, or fish.

  • Use Olive Oil in meal preparation when oil is required (it's actually healthy).

  • Use fresh butter sparingly, never margarine (too many artificial ingredients).

  • Eat a combination of at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

  • Do not take vitamin supplements, get vitamins from your food (unless your doctor adds a supplement).

  • Most of your beverages should focus around water based drinks (with no sugar), coffee, tea, milk and 100% juice (no sugar added orange, cranberry, apple).

  • Most importantly, limit (not eliminate, as that is impossible) the 3 WHITES, as they are known to have negative health effects...sugar, flour, and salt!

There is no "exact" list of foods and drinks for everyone, this is just what should be emphasized if possible, building your meals and snacks around these categories of items.

"Along with fruits and vegetables, surround your meals around beans, seeds, nuts and grains as these provide the fiber and disease fighting vitamins and minerals that your body needs." – Dr. Gabe Mirkin

List #3 - Foods To Avoid (or extremely limit)

  • Stay away from any food that's deep-fried (even if it's a deep=fried vegetable!)

  • Do not eat prepared frozen meals from the store (they are packed full of chemicals).

  • Limit alcohol use to special occasions (parties and celebrations).

  • Limit restaurant food (fast food or sit down). There is no such thing as "healthy restaurant food".

Tip #4 - General Lifestyle Habits

These habits are general lifestyle choices, but are good practice for overall health.

  • Get 7-8 hours per night. This is when your body builds, recovers and heals itself.

  • Do at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times per week. It could be a workout, a sport, walking, bicycling, or even doing something like gardening. But DO something!

  • Drink water when you can, but don't force more than you can drink.

  • Eat in moderation, not until you're stuffed.

  • Try to refrain from eating 3 hours before bedtime.

  • Eat more fiber. This carries the food through your body, which lessens disease and helps to control a healthy weight.

  • Wash your fruits and vegetables (to wash off pesticides)

  • Eat organic if possible (but non-organic fruits and vegetables are still healthy!)

  • Get some (10 min/day) of your vitamin D from the sun, the rest from your food.

  • Keep your weight in the right range for your age and gender. Your doctor will be able to tell you your target weight.

  • If you start getting off track with your healthy eating, but want to get back "on track", try reading from the book (and the recipes) "The Blue Zones" by Dan Buettner or go to the website This will teach you how to live healthy and for longevity.

The Food You Eat Is Responsible For 80% of Your Health

Remember, these are guidelines for healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. It doesn't mean that you have to do them all, everyday. As long as you emphasize these habits "most of the time", you should be well on your way to living a healthy lifestyle (and feeling like a million bucks!)


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